Anna Roik - Your Go-To Coral Microbiome Harnesser

In a thunderous summer episode, we hear from Anna Roik - postdoc at HIFMB. Her work is centered around harnessing the microbiome (the collection of bacteria, viruses, fungi and their genes) on corals. She transplants the microbiome of more heat resis...

Podcast: You, Me & HIFMB – Stories of Science and the Sea

Erschienen: 07.08.2023
Dauer: 49:30

In a thunderous summer episode, we hear from Anna Roik - postdoc at HIFMB. Her work is centered around harnessing the microbiome (the collection of bacteria, viruses, fungi and their genes) on corals. She transplants the microbiome of more heat resistant corals onto that of heat susceptible ones to boost their resilience in the face of climate change.

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Podcast-Website: Episode "Anna Roik - Your Go-To Coral Microbiome Harnesser"

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